Your body is amazing! It has the potential to repair itself when provided with the nutrients it needs. Knowing which nutrients your body needs can be difficult to determine on your own, that is why we perform Nutrition Response Testing. What is Nutrition Response Testing (NRT)? Nutrition Response Testing is a process of muscle testing for various neurological reflexes and each of these reflexes correspond to a specific organ or function. Through Nutrition Response Testing we can identify which function is in need of support and which nutrients your body requires to get you feeling better. Learn who can benefit from Nutrition Response Testing below.
Who can Nutrition Response Testing Help?
- Someone with one or more health conditions that have become chronic.
- Someone who has tried conventional medicine or even alternative practitioners without seeing or feeling an improvement in their health.
- Someone who has experienced a negative impact in their personal life, in relationships with their spouse or children, at their job, and/or in personal finances as a result of health issues.
- Someone afraid that in time their health issues are not going to get better and will probably continue to worsen unless effective changes are made.
- Someone diagnosed with gut issues, autoimmune disease, food sensitivities, allergies, eczema, heart conditions..any chronic illness.
At Your Sanctuary for Healing we offer Nutrition Response Testing, an effective method for evaluating the health of the nervous system. This system identifies immunological challenges impacting the body and the precise whole food, organic supplement remedy.
Click to Contact Your Sanctuary For Healing to Schedule Nutrition Response Testing.
Click to Contact Your Sanctuary For Healing to Schedule Nutrition Response Testing.