Within each of us are seven major chakras. The first chakra is called Muladhara, also known as the root chakra, which is located at the base of your spine. Having a balanced root chakra provides a solid foundation to build a healthy and happy life upon. Muladhara holds the energy related to your physical safety and security and can become blocked by your fears and insecurities. Reiki helps balance the flow of energy in the body and can be utilized to release the blocked energy of a chakra. Learn five signs that your first chakra is weak or blocked below.
Five signs your first chakra is weak:
- You feel a general lack of physical energy and vitality resulting in a lackluster will to create.
- Your sense of wellbeing is highly dependent upon external circumstances. So long as everything is going smoothly and to your liking, you feel OK, but when circumstances aren’t to your liking, you feel insecure.
- You feel a general lack of confidence in dealing with anything outside your comfort zone.
- You believe that money creates security and that there is an amount of money that if attained, would guarantee your security.
- You experience any of the following physical symptoms on a frequent or recurring basis: eating disorders, adrenal fatigue, foot and leg pains and injuries, rectal or colon problems, immune disorders or bone disorders.
Reiki provides deep relaxation and healing by balancing the flow of energy in the body. Because of this Reiki can support with creating positive changes. At Your Sanctuary For Healing we have a passion for holistic health and fitness to share with you. Click to learn more about our Reiki Services.
SRC: Click to learn more about The Root Chakra.
SRC: Click to learn more about The Root Chakra.