Sometimes the spinal bones lose their normal position, altering the size and shape of the nerve pathways, interfering with the normal transmission of nerve impulses. Chiropractors use the term subluxation to describe this phenomenon. Chiropractic corrects subluxations through the practice of introducing specific directional forces to a person’s spine so the body can perform at its optimum potential. It is not meant as a “treatment” for specific illnesses, although through normalized nerve function, a person’s body is better able to cope with stresses and illness, and consequently the body often heals itself better and quicker. Learn more about our Gresham Chiropractic Care.
Swedish massage, Raindrop Therapy, Shiatsu Massage, Deep Tissue Massage and Polarity Massage are the types of massage therapy provided by Your Sanctuary for Healing. You can read about each type of massage in more detail on our page of Gresham Massage Therapy Services.
If you're looking for holistic care in Gresham, Your Sanctuary For Healing is here for you! Click to learn more about our Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy, and Reiki services.
Sometimes the spinal bones lose their normal position, altering the size and shape of the nerve pathways, interfering with the normal transmission of nerve impulses. Chiropractors use the term subluxation to describe this phenomenon. Chiropractic corrects subluxations through the practice of introducing specific directional forces to a person’s spine so the body can perform at its optimum potential. It is not meant as a “treatment” for specific illnesses, although through normalized nerve function, a person’s body is better able to cope with stresses and illness, and consequently the body often heals itself better and quicker. Learn more about our Gresham Chiropractic Care.
Swedish massage, Raindrop Therapy, Shiatsu Massage, Deep Tissue Massage and Polarity Massage are the types of massage therapy provided by Your Sanctuary for Healing. You can read about each type of massage in more detail on our page of Gresham Massage Therapy Services.
If you're looking for holistic care in Gresham, Your Sanctuary For Healing is here for you! Click to learn more about our Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy, and Reiki services.